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Invest in the Next Generation

Your support to Ansar Services is an investment towards creating a future of opportunities in science and technology for youth (particularly those in underserved communities). It also helps to build and strengthen those communities.

Your support helps youth and communities participate in, benefit, and prosper from a growing portfolio of innovation training and emerging technologies.

It represents an investment in next-generation talent and expertise to help America maintain its global position, preeminence, and competitiveness in science and emerging technologies.



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Please click the donate button below to make a secure credit card donation via PayPal.

Donate by Mail

To donate by mail, please complete a Donation Form and include it with a check.

Mail to:

Ansar Services

2101 L St., NW

Suite 300

Washington, DC 20037


Your support is invaluable. With heartfelt gratitude for your donation, we’re now even more empowered to fulfill our mission of preparing young adults for the future of work.

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We need and Volunteers

We need your support to make a brighter future for the world of tomorrow. Contact us for more information on how you can support the Ansar Services initiatives.